Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can I Order An Ear Gauge Custom On The Internet?

Kreuzberg-Doku: "Do not be angry!"

Prior to this recommendation must make clear I am two things: I know director Wolfgang Reinke personally and has long been his colleague. And in the location in which to be held, I made my living. I clean both a happy and wants to make it clear however that both has no influence on my recommendation. For Wolles documentary do not be evil in my opinion is a thoroughly excellent Kreuzberg-movie in which there is much more truth than in all other films in recent years claimed this label for themselves.

is to see the film next Friday, 04.02. 20 clock in Kultursalon Roderich against a narrow Obulus of 3 €. Wolfgang Reinke and his cameraman are Gines Olivares personally be present. .

to content:
"Three Men in a shared apartment, 54 m² in Berlin Kreuzberg you sleep in kitchens, bathrooms and half-room junkie, ex-cons and alcoholics between Hartz IV, the next shot, vodka and beer - the nightmare. every bourgeois neighborhood. Andi dreamed of having your own space, Dieter needs for 100 days in the construction and Wolfgang writes poems. In the claustrophobic closeness of this community bene belter spirits seem good luck and love like the shadow of a time long past. While in the mud, the Chaos and despair comes to touching moments, conflicts break through increasingly stronger: the electricity bill, the rent, the stolen sweaters. But Andi brings the seemingly paradoxical situation of the point: '! No one lives but like to be alone' "In his review

Dietrich Kuhlbrodt writes:" The result is sensational. Each is to be hoped, "Do not get angry," to be able to see. "An opportunity to do so next Friday in Roderick.


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