Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can You Run Milk Through A Keurig?

The wall is gone

It really works: At a fireworks heard Baroque music. Best Handel, with his eyes on the glittering ornaments, the thoughts and Moods in the sky moves. For 20 years, opening in the wall is a place with symbolism. For the Potsdam is the Glienicker Bridge, on Tuesday dressed in a blue aura of light. At a fixed include people who take in a friendly mood and tidy in possession crowded the bridge. And last but not least it needs a balanced, unobtrusive program that inspires visitors to memories and emotions and allows them room, remember to also personally, to this historic date 20 years ago.

A beautiful evening, the occasion appropriately. In everyday traffic roars between Potsdam and Berlin. Today, however, the unassuming white line on the middle of the Glienicker bridge again felt as former demarcation, you think of the before and after. "It is as if someone had opened the windows," had Heym in 1989 at Great Demo said at the Alexanderplatz. Since the wall was still standing. Only when she noticed the dull life had also doors. Windows and doors, both were needed: a fresh breeze and way out into the world. For the younger ones are now eerily incredible stories that armed guards patrolling here, and agents were exchanged. And they perceive as a curiosity, that on closer inspection, the steel construction of the bridge in two shades is deleted -. for they too, an east-and west

The anniversary of the fall had a good reason to celebrate. But you have to have an organizer and a knack for it. Two days earlier, on Sunday, it was in Teltow the "feast without boundaries". Teltow connects me with something. When the city was still the center of an industrial region, I have done my training and lived for several years. to go from the old town in Teltow Teltow Canal, is already something special when it is remembered, as it was then right behind the houses, the world was over. Strange how they took this paradoxical situation as given and then from the bridge of the ship Kleinmachnow nachschaute on the channel, as they disappeared over the border in Berlin.

The festival site on Sunday stretched along the former Berlin wall, stretched to the Knesebeck bridge and over to Zehlendorf. On the side Zehlendorfer clubs had set up their stalls, some distance away from the bustle of the big stage, I thought. Overall, fair atmosphere prevailed: many stalls and stands, kind of like to an early Christmas market. While a cover band Westernhagen's "freedom" intoned we treated ourselves to a mulled wine. A stale, lukewarm pleasure to steep price. Too bad that the whole evening felt somewhat stale. Except Noise and many stalls, where the people vorbeischlenderten was nothing going on. Before Knesebeck bridge there was the inevitable Eastern clichés: Trabant and Sandman. Perhaps we had come at the wrong time, at least we did not stay long.

On the way back - the Sunday-afternoon was still young - we made a trip to the Glienicker Bridge. I had heard that Villa Schöningen with many celebrities should be dedicated as a memorial. We joined a little below the onlookers caught a glimpse of Merkel, Genscher and Gorbachev. Amazing, who is all einfindet to open a private museum. Politics, media and business - a colorful melange from appetizers and champagne-SIP-eaters. They populate a onw world and are self-sufficient. The fun and the parade of the Elect had indulged in them, especially since they think they probably for the determination.

Good on Tuesday that it still existed, with the street festival on the Glienicker Bridge. The festival has reconciled me with the game show presented at the Brandenburg Gate on the day before, when the general astonishment, Bon Jovi to the assembled dignitaries his new single. I've fortunately only seen on television and could switch, if it was quite tough and embarrassing.

Amazon book recommendation: The
Glienicker bridge scene of the story: Scene of German history


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