Friday, February 11, 2011

Working Iks Fta Receivers

Traces of Change in Egypt - Film Program

Just came in. Because of developments in Egypt, who yesterday took to the resignation Mubarak's still another twist to Irit of mec film and Arsenal have apparently decided to take an improvised program of films from Egypt. That's something for which I should very much like advertising:

A moderated program of short films, trailers and video letters from independent filmmakers from Egypt

Friday, 02/18/2011 at 16:00 in Arsenal 2 (Film House, Potsdamer Platz), Free admission

The current surveys in North Africa have surprised many people in this country. For weeks, protests in Egypt dominate the news, the urgency and the enormous energy of the millions of Egyptians and Egyptian women who participate in the demonstrations are, however, little response. Until a few weeks, Tunisia and Egypt were regarded as stable states, their dictators were reliable partner for governments in Europe and the United States and both countries are popular tourist destinations.
The population, however, stifled for decades under the authoritarian regimes and in many parts of the society was to feel a certain stop. In the last four to five years, all the obstacles to independence, even a film scene in Egypt has developed. With the help of digital technology are trying more and more women directors and directors own forms of expression outside the state very commercial film industry and against the ever increasing repression found.

show in this ad hoc program, we, with the support of the Forum, short films and trailers of full-length independent Egyptian Films. They provide insight into the range of political and aesthetic approaches within this movie scene and reflect important changes innerhlab the Egyptian film industry. In addition, video letters are shown, which are created for the Berlinale audience.

all filmmakers who are to participate in the program to the democracy movement.
Due to the unpredictable situation in Egypt, there may be short-term changes in the program.

program coordinator: Irit Neidhardt, mec film


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